Welcome to my crazy life

Just a quick welcome from me to you and a thank you for reading and following along on the crazy road which I call my life. Here you will be able to follow along the ups and downs of our little family's life and adventures as we grow, learn and travel. Plus I will give up some advice on things I have done that seemed to have helped with getting my daughter and son to learn different functions, from sleeping through the night to eating all her food and beyond. Also if you have a question please feel free to leave it in a comment and I will happily make a post just to answer your question. Also keep a look out for new and old product reviews as well as special events. Here's to the family life and to a crazy adventure.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Gabe's 2 month Check up

So we had Gabe's 2 month check up today and man has he grown in a month.  He is now 2 inches longer at 24.5 inches long/tall, he has gained 2 pounds at 12 pounds 6 ounces, and his head is 15 and 3/4 inches round, I'm not sure what it was but I know its bigger.  His weight was in the 50th percentile while his head and height was in the 75th percent.  All in all he is growing beautifully and very healthy. I love going to the doctor to get this information since I also get a little pat on the back saying I am doing a good job with my kids.  Kenzi was well behaved with all the toys I brought for her to play with, I am learning pretty fast to pick and choose when to limit her number of toys brought and when to let her bring whatever.  Doctor's visit not for her, let her bring a back pack full of toys.  Gabe did really well with his shots only cried for a few seconds, pretty much how long it took me to get his pants on after the 2 shots were given was how long he cried as soon as I had him in my arms he was fine.  He did act like he was getting sick as I put him in his car seat but that subsided when I gave him a pacifier to help get his mind off his tummy, sucking on a pacifier actually helps a baby's tummy calm down because they stop thinking about either what happened or what is making them sick. 

I also remembered my questions about him turning red which he demonstrated and was told it was normal, asked about his belly button, that the inside was a darker color, that was normal and would lighten and probably disappear as he got older, his colic which has gotten worse since he was born but is now kinda relaxing a little thank the Lord, I was given some other techniques for burping him if he fights burping again.  I also had some questions with his going potty and was told all was normal. So yay! Gabe is healthy and doing great though he was a grumpy butt all afternoon.

Kenzi was rewarded for being good at the doctor's office with a little trip to the park where she got to climb on a jungle gym, go down the slides, and swing.  Then we came home and the kids napped and then it was time for dinner. 

Our next doctors appointment will be when he is 4 months old which I will have to set up next month, but will update you before that, I promise.

Stay tuned later this month I will be doing a special birthday shout out as well as a quick update on Kenzi and a quick anniversary shout out. 

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