Welcome to my crazy life

Just a quick welcome from me to you and a thank you for reading and following along on the crazy road which I call my life. Here you will be able to follow along the ups and downs of our little family's life and adventures as we grow, learn and travel. Plus I will give up some advice on things I have done that seemed to have helped with getting my daughter and son to learn different functions, from sleeping through the night to eating all her food and beyond. Also if you have a question please feel free to leave it in a comment and I will happily make a post just to answer your question. Also keep a look out for new and old product reviews as well as special events. Here's to the family life and to a crazy adventure.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Kenzi is 21 months old

So today my Makenzi is 21 months old and time is just flying. Everyday she adds more words to her vocabulary. She loves reading and coloring and is very polite with always saying thank you even of she doesn't want something. She also says please when she really wants something. She is very loving and happy and helpful beyond belief. She likes to steal her brothers bottle but only when I've set it down with the top on it and brings it back to me almost as soon as I ask for it. She enjoys her quiet play time and often will take a nap at the point in her day also. She just blows me away how fast she is learning things and even sings along to her favorite theme songs though the words aren't really clear yet. She also likes to dance and will grab your hand an say lets dance when ever there Islamic on she wants to dance to. Lol. She is also liking to play doctor and house with her stuffed animals ber since the new Disney show doc mcatuffins came on so I may be getting her a doctor set to play with in the near future. Well that's it for now stay tuned for next months updates and quick blurbs of the kids. We have gabe's 4 month check up coming up as well as hitting our half way mark. Stay tuned for the next post. I promise it'll be worth it but you'll have to check back and see for your self.

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