Welcome to my crazy life

Just a quick welcome from me to you and a thank you for reading and following along on the crazy road which I call my life. Here you will be able to follow along the ups and downs of our little family's life and adventures as we grow, learn and travel. Plus I will give up some advice on things I have done that seemed to have helped with getting my daughter and son to learn different functions, from sleeping through the night to eating all her food and beyond. Also if you have a question please feel free to leave it in a comment and I will happily make a post just to answer your question. Also keep a look out for new and old product reviews as well as special events. Here's to the family life and to a crazy adventure.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Preparing for baby Gabriel

So the day is coming up so quickly now that my mind is going in 50 directions and the need to clean and nest is hitting like a wild fire.  We have been blessed to be able to receive many things that we needed like diapers and clothing since a lot of the big stuff we already had from Kenzi.  We also have been able to recycle some of Kenzi's baby toys that are for both genders and that we are using all her old Pooh bedding and decorations as well as a bunch on new decorations that I personally made for him which makes me very proud. There is just something about being able to make your little ones blankets, wall plaques, as well as hats and of course hair bows for Kenzi. 

Some products we have had to go and buy include a second camera to our video monitor system which I highly recommend.  We have a Summer brand video monitor that we can hook up to 5 cameras to if need be, which I think 2 is all we need, it is the slim and sleek monitor system and is wonderful.  We can see if Kenzi gets out of bed and see where in her room she actually is since we mounted her monitor over her closet and have a perfect view of her whole room, which we will eventually do for Gabe as well but for now we will be keeping a closer eye on him with being in our room until he sleeps through the night a few times then we will have the video monitor right over his bed so we can really see him.  That is what we did with Kenzi, and really its just peace of mind for us to be able to not just hear them but to be able to see them too.  We also got a sensor monitor that will let us know if he stops breathing, rolls too close to the edge of the crib or anything in between again for my peace of mind.  Once we have it up and working I will give a review on that as of right now I am going off of a recommendation from a friend.  So that is our monitoring systems and I am excited to see the whole thing in working order as our summer monitor will scan between the 2 cameras ever 8 seconds it should be awesome and I will probably push it on even more people if it really works the way I want it to. 

So, for diapers we are trying out a few different kinds of diapers before I stick with one.  We have stocked up on newborn and size 1 diapers from different companies and once I find the one that I like the best for him, as all children are different, then we will stick with that, just like we stick with Huggies for Kenzi, though we are starting her potty training here soon and hopefully wont have to buy diapers for 2 kids for very long.  I think she will want to be different than Gabe when it comes to diapers, which I am hoping will help get her wanting to go on the potty like a big girl.  The one thing that they both will have is the natural Huggies wipes, I love them, the smell great and have been so gentle on Kenzi.  I can't seem to get away from Huggies for some reason. Granted we have leaks from time to time but that is normally my fault for putting the diaper on crooked or not paying attention to her fluid intake coupled with her playing and not letting me know that she has gone. 

We also chose to use All brand laundry soap since we use the regular stuff for us and Kenzi we will be using the the clear version for Gabe and are so far very happy using All it gets our clothing and Kenzi's clothes very clean and even takes out those pesky juice stains or food stains without having to use the heavy duty cleaner, though we have some of that too in the form of Shout heavy duty left in stain remover when needed.  Used it the whole time with Kenzi to get out spit up stains and food stains as she started eating solids and for the most part the stains have always come out. 

Well, the next few days of waiting for the C section will consist of cleaning the house, finishing laundry for all of us, including Gabe who received some new clothing for Christmas and has a new knit blanket from me that I will post pictures of tomorrow if I remember.  I also need to get his room actually set up so it will be easy for me or Ty to go up there and get whatever is needed, finish Kenzi's closet, and put away Christmas as well as bathe and trim the dog and get the laundry room cleaned up since we have been having to keep the cats in there when we are not home due to a problem with them acting up on the end of our sofa.  I am hoping that I have squashed the problem now but we will see in a few weeks when I let them out for good and see what happens. 

So needless to say we have a lot to do in the next couple days and though I am not super happy to have to do it alone, I am happy to be able to do it. Once we get Gabe's room fully put together tomorrow afternoon, as I have to have Ty bring some things up the stairs so I can finish the room, I will snap some pictures and get them up since the room is going to be so freaking cute.  Plus I have to have him bring down the cradle to put in our room for Gabe so I will be able to have him sleep in there while Kenzi's sleeps in the pack and play for naps and all that during the day while Ty is at work.  I am looking forward to getting the house set for the kids in the next few days and yes I know not to over do it.  Well, that is all for now I will let you all know how things are going on  Wednesday after my blood work is done for pre surgery prep work and all that.  Hopefully I can say something like "The house is ready I am ready and so is everyone else even if they don't know it."  Haha, wishful thinking but I am going to be ambitious with getting the house ready.

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