Welcome to my crazy life

Just a quick welcome from me to you and a thank you for reading and following along on the crazy road which I call my life. Here you will be able to follow along the ups and downs of our little family's life and adventures as we grow, learn and travel. Plus I will give up some advice on things I have done that seemed to have helped with getting my daughter and son to learn different functions, from sleeping through the night to eating all her food and beyond. Also if you have a question please feel free to leave it in a comment and I will happily make a post just to answer your question. Also keep a look out for new and old product reviews as well as special events. Here's to the family life and to a crazy adventure.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gabe at 2 months

Gabe is 2 months old.  He is learning so much by leaps and bounds and his big sister is one of the biggest factors there.  He watches all she does throughout the day and gets mad when he does not get to interact with her.  I have one of those feelings that he is going to be an early walker.  He coos at us and of course screams at us and watches both me and Makenzi as we go about doing things in the room. 

So far in his life he has rolled from tummy to back, is starting to sleep through the night, he can sit with support and holds his head up.  He can also lift his chest off the ground and burp like a pro.  He has a smile that is contagious, that not only is just at his mouth but you see the happiness in his eyes as well.  We still have not gotten him to sleep in his crib for longer than a half hour but over the next month I will have him taking his naps up there, and who knows maybe I will get him sleeping through the night up there by 3 months.  I am looking forward to his doctor visit on the 12th that will give us his weight and length which I know he had grown tremendously since his one month check up.  Oh an I guess I chose the wrong car seat for my kids as Gabe hates the car seat as much as Kenzi did, and I have tried to make it comfortable for him with no avail so we just try to stay out of it as much as possible. I am looking forward to him controlling his head so that we can leave the car seat in the car and just use the stroller but until then we will just keep working on keeping him calm/out of it as much as possible. Also over the last month I have decided to switch him fully over to formula as he had lost interest in breastfeeding and was using me more to just chew on over anything else.  He is doing great with the formula now that I have found a good bottle to help prevent his spit up.

All in all Gabe is growing by leaps and bounds.  I wish he would slow down but its so much fun to watch him explore his hands and stare his nose down.  He has found his thumb from time to time but has a pacifier that he likes normally in the afternoon or while we are out.  I think he gets car sick or something because he normally will take it after we get out of the car.  The best part of my days lately is watching Kenzi and Gabe interact.  She had a whole conversation with him and he just stared her down the whole time it was so cute.  She loves him so much and likes to give him a kiss on his head every night before I put him in his bed and then she says "awe" but she will only do it if I do not ask her to do it which makes me smile even more when she does because she is showing her love.

Well, that is the update of Gabe for now I will update one more time for his 2 month appointment and then Kenzi will have her spotlight later this month.  So keep an eye out for her special blog post around the 20th. 

Thanks for reading!

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