So this is what's going on I decided that I have a lot to say about all sorts of things so I decided to start a blog. Just to start things right I am going to introduce myself and my family which I will most likely write about most of the time unless something crazy happens, then I might get a little more serious. So My name is Ashley Reynolds and I am a mom. I am married to a wonderful man, Joseph (but we call him Tyler or Dad), and we have a wonderful little girl, Makenzi, who is about to turn 1 year old. Its been a crazy year with traveling all over and watching our little girl grow. Oh yeah, I should mention my husband is a Marine and so we have a very different way of life than a lot of people. We live on a military base and don't have too much say in where they send us which is part of the adventure of a military life.
Back to reflecting and bringing this blog fully current. So the past year started out with our little girl surprising us by coming a month is advance and caused quite a bit of panic partly because I was diagnosed with HELPP Syndrome, which was extremely scary after I got home and found out what it fully was and that it could come back in the future when we get pregnant again, but hey at least now we know what to watch for and to watch for it. Anyway, so C-section was no fun and recovery was pretty painful even with the meds but we made it thru strong as ever. So our little girl was only 5 lbs when she was born and nearly doubled that weight by the time she was 2 months old. Then shortly after she turned 4 months we took our first big trip and went to Jacksonville, Florida where she got to experience the beach for the first time and saw her first 2 historical sights and 1st aviation museum, which she stayed awake thru all of them and seemed very curious about all of them. Then after Christmas where she got massively spoiled with clothes and toys, no thanks to Black Friday, we went out to California so my family could meet her for the 1st time. It was a lot of fun and she again got to experience the beach and snow for the 1st time, and she had her first cold , cut her 1st tooth, and started getting up on hands and knees. She didn't crawl until we were all together at home again and then she was mobile and we had to start with the baby gates. Word of advice, when you have a child (especially your first) start buying the gates you will need when you have the baby don't wait for them to get mobile because gates are not cheap and they will get into everything no matter how well you think you have gotten things put up.
While Kenzi was only 2 months old she showed us that she could sleep through the night and as soon as she did that we moved her into her own room and crib. I highly recommend this because it starts getting them in the habit of sleeping in their own room immediately. I know sometimes its easier to just have them right there but trust me my daughter rarely wakes up during the night, sleeps in her own bed and has been doing this since she was 2 months old. Granted it wasn't always easy to get her to sleep and there were a few nights that we just had to sit and watch the monitor light up as she yelled for what seemed forever but it was only 15 minutes at the most, and bath time is a must I swear by the johnson and johnsons bedtime bath wash and bubble bath, its suppose to help them sleep better and we love it. it smells great and I'm pretty sure it really does help her sleep better.
Okay back to the happenings so it seemed like as soon as she was crawling she was pulling up on everything and then by 9 months she was trying to walk and before 10 months she took her first steps and then it was all over for us, and the animals.
So as you can see life has been crazy and I look forward to reporting on all the new adventures that wait for us in the 2nd year of life for our little girl. So here is your invite to check back here on a regular base for updates on our crazy life and family. So much is about to happen for us its unbelievable and I can't wait for this adventure to truly start.
This is the play by play to our crazy life and the great adventures we go on. Plus a little advice from one mom to another and some pass along advice that I have found useful and helpful. We are constantly on the go and I will be updating on here at least once a week if not more.
Welcome to my crazy life
Just a quick welcome from me to you and a thank you for reading and following along on the crazy road which I call my life. Here you will be able to follow along the ups and downs of our little family's life and adventures as we grow, learn and travel. Plus I will give up some advice on things I have done that seemed to have helped with getting my daughter and son to learn different functions, from sleeping through the night to eating all her food and beyond. Also if you have a question please feel free to leave it in a comment and I will happily make a post just to answer your question. Also keep a look out for new and old product reviews as well as special events. Here's to the family life and to a crazy adventure.